Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pre-Marital HIV Testing or Matching Horoscope?.

I was shocked when my brother suggested me to stress on my boyfriend to have a HIV test. Well, there was nothing to be shocked about. Sex is such an obvious act, the most genuine way to express love. But how come such situations evolved where we just cannot trust our own self of being sexually fit? Should a pre-marital HIV testing be considered as a rational need? Some people may stress that there is so much belief and faithful partnership convictions in one wife, one husband system of India and there are not the trends of multiple sexual partners in the Indian society hence HIV may not have an effect on India in a considerable way. Added to that, because of the long tradition, heritage culture and values the Indian society is self-preserving against AIDS…. So they thought they could shun AIDS epidemic. But the AIDS is becoming an epidemic anyhow. Trust me, all such beliefs and faiths in truthfulness of monogamy are redundant. First of all, HIV infection is not at all a problem of sex-alone. HIV can be spread through via various ways. Already, AIDS is a big problem in India in lower class streams, and the specific stream of truck drivers. Prostitution in India is illegal, which creates more vulnerability of the oppressed women forced to be engaged in prostitution, as they in no-way can demand proper safety rights from their clients, pimps and police. So, even if prostitutes know the necessity of condoms and protections against STD’s they just cannot force the clients, some of them give in to clientele who refuse to use condoms. The Indian Middle class convictions about AIDS as it is some other’s problem can be a dangerous sign. Specialists already claim that HIV and AIDS have moved further than the high risk groups in India. They are in the general population. Furthermore, the attitude towards AIDS in India is very unhealthy, and even if some hospital signifies a patient as a HIV infected, it is tried to be hidden about despite the risk that someone could carry on infecting others. The argument for this is, people have been ostracized and driven to commit suicide over AIDS tests results, plus the reliability of the tests is not very much. The” Don’t tell Policy” can be a real danger in India yet it is pertinent. Even doctors discriminate against HIV patient. Last year some cases happened in Delhi and Kolkatta where doctors denied treating the poor patients just because they were infected with AIDS. As a matter of fact, AIDS has already taken a plunge beyond red-light-areas and gloomy highway Dhaba’s to middle class houses. Now out of 10 AIDS patients one is a housewife i. e 10 female patients of AIDS are housewives of middle or lower middle class, an indication of just how alarming the spread is. Premarital sex cannot be denied nor can it be checked. Despite all shaggy faiths and belief system, it is highly improbable to shut eyes and accept that Indian middle class is safe, in reality; I feel that the middle class is more vulnerable to HIV then others and when middle class people can stress on horoscope matching, why cannot they accept for pre-marital HIV testing? I am sure that is more necessary. Being a HIV infected is surely much more dangerous then being a manglik isn’t it? Yet, will a demand for pre-marital HIV testing help? What if the male female gets engaged in a post-marital outside sex relation and gets the virus? Basically, I am not against pre-marital or outside marriage sex-relations too. Yet, the sense of security and safety must be there, and demand for a HIV test will at least make it a point that the girl and the boy both are aware of the dangers involved in being irresponsible. I won’t say AIDS is a threat, yet to be reasonably alert against AIDS is rational. There are many things which need to be changed, as for example, prostitution must be legalized so that the prostitutes can demand security and medical safety with openness and may get beneficial options too, the gup-chup sex must be avoided by the middle class and sex must be taken as a valid open subject. The general bad feeling of middle class against open talks on sex must be avoided and most importantly, the ostracizing tendency against the HIV patients should be removed anyhow. Yet, it will be valid first step, if the girls and boys start asking for a pre-marital HIV testing rather than matching horoscopes. Watch the video.

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