Thursday, April 24, 2008

Daily Love Horoscope Google you are misleading people.

Went to look at my stars this morning, and those for my friend and noticed by chance noticed that the date was 2004. This was both on the first and second listing on Google: So I decided to view the source to see if it had been an error on the part of the webmasterDaily Love Horoscopes, Relationship Astrology amp; Relocation… Daily love horoscopes is a free service offered by astrologer Stephen Byers. His astrology services include relationship astrology, relocation locational… Aries horoscope The symbol of the RamToday February 20, 2004: You’ll be very involved in your work, yet you’ll also have time to unwind at a favorite haunt later. Couples share magic moments. There’s nothing you can’t achieve now that things are going your way. Aren’t you Gemini juggling too many projects at one time again? Page source” Copyright 169; 2000-2004 Daily Love Horoscope All rights reserved” Come on Google you are misleading people and who knows breaking may hearts by allowing these pages to appear on the top of a search engine results.

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