Monday, April 28, 2008

Horoscopes Taurus.

In this second of a 12 part series on horoscopes, we’re going to look at the second of what are called the spring signs, Taurus the Bull. People who are born between April 20 and May 21 are Taurus. Their element is earth, their quality is Fixed, their energy is Yin, their ruler is Venus, their color is green, their gem is Emerald, their main anatomical parts are the neck and throat, their keywords are ownership, dependability and sensuality, their Tarot suit is Pentacles and their Tarot Major Arcana card is The Hierophant. Some famous celebrities who are Taurus are Jay Leno, Jack Nicholson, Michelle Pfeiffer, George Clooney, Cher, Andie MacDowell and George Lucas. Can you say stubborn? Well, if you can say it and you know what it means, then tack the definition up on your wall next to a photo of your favorite Taurus. They are as stubborn as they come, thus the saying” stubborn as a bull”. It doesn’t matter if a Taurus is right or wrong. In their minds they are always right. Deal with it or get out of the house quickly because they won’t give an inch. Being a Taurus, however, is not just about being stubborn. A Taurus is the perfect person to have around in a crisis. While everyone else is losing their head on a sinking ship, the Taurus will calmly figure out how to get everybody off the boat safely. Their calm is almost scary. They are so dependable that they are the first people that one will look to when something needs to be done. If you’re running a fund raiser and need somebody to make sure it is run efficiently and honestly, turn to the Taurus in the room. When it comes to love, the Taurus needs security and stability. If a Taurus is in love, he stays in love, no matter how rocky things get. The Taurus will be very patient when it comes to finding that love too. They have to make sure that the person they give their heart to is just the right one. A Taurus will always be there for you but expects you to do the same. The best matches for a Taurus are Cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. A person born under the sign of Taurus gets along very well with other people who are organized and dependable. They also appreciate somebody who is a good housekeeper as well. At the job, the Taurus likes long term stability. They are not job hoppers. Many go into teaching where they enjoy the comforts of tenure and knowing that they will be in the same place for at least 25 years. They will do their jobs to perfection, or at least as close to it as possible. At the office, they are the ones everybody turns to when something absolutely must get done quickly and correctly. But maybe the best part of a Taurus at work is that they give their employers no trouble at all. They come to work on time, stay late and never complain, even if there are things they know are wrong. Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Horoscopes.

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